Prior to enrolling, please contact our Centre Coordinator to book a tour of the centre.
The tour provides an opportunity to view our revamped facilities, meet the educators, ask questions and receive an enrolment/welcome pack. Please bring your child along so we can meet them.
Some of our rooms may have a waiting list, so when a position becomes available, our Coordinator/Second In Charge will contact you to arrange a family interview, this is an opportunity for the family and the child to familiarise themselves with the centre and complete the appropriate enrolment documentation. It is the responsibility of the family to inform us of any changes in address, telephone numbers, emergency contacts or medical details.
EACH Child is registered to care for 122 children. Children are grouped according to developmental stages.
Group Name |
Maximum Number of Children per Group |
Approximate Age of Children |
Gurrborra | 12 children | 6 months - 2 years |
Gurrng Gurrng | 16 children | 18 months – 2.5 years |
Boorrimul | 28 children | 2.5 -3.5 years |
Ngarrert | 33 children | 3 - 4 years |
Per-ren-un | 33 children |
4 - 5 years incorporating a funded 4-year-old Kindergarten Program |
Regulations regarding child/educator ratios are always adhered to:
- 1 adult to 4 children aged under 3 years of age
- 1 adult to 11 children aged 3-6 years.
EACH Child provides the children with a learning environment within beautiful landscaped gardens that support respect for the environment, ecologically sustainable practices, healthy development and inclusion within a supportive community.
Parents need to provide details about how best we can support inclusion and plan care and education for children of all abilities. This important information assists with planning your child’s early learning and care with you.
We require;
- a copy of the child’s Immunisation Certificate,
- information about any medical diagnosis or report,
- any Asthma or Anaphylaxis Management Plan,
- information about medication required by the child,
- a copy of any Court Order or any other medical or legal documents.
We offer shorter hours initially and gradually orientate children, in recognition that children can become overwhelmed and feel vulnerable when in an unfamiliar environment for an extended time.
Early Learning Services are required to check that children enrolled are up to date with the mandatory immunisations.
Parents are required to provide a copy of their child’s Immunisation History Statement from the Australian Immunisation History Register (or your MyGov account) twice a year. Children will not be able to commence until this is provided.
Following enrolment, services must take reasonable steps twice yearly to review the immunisation records and ensure children attending are up to date with the immunisation schedule.
Immunisation-No Jab No Play Frequently Asked Questions
Grace Period for vaccination
Children experiencing vulnerability and disadvantage are eligible to enrol in a service under a grace period, without having provided proof of up-to-date immunisation. The grace period provisions allow the family to continue to access early childhood education and care services while receiving information and assistance to get their child's immunisations up to date and to obtain the required Immunisation History Statement from the AIR that needs to be provided to the service.
Exemption to vaccination
Exemption from the requirement to be fully vaccinated can be authorised by a doctor. Examples of valid medical reasons that a child could not be fully vaccinated include:
- an anaphylactic reaction to a previous dose of a particular vaccine, or
- an anaphylactic reaction to any vaccine component
- has a disease which lowers immunity (such as Leukaemia, cancer, HIV/AIDS, SCID), or
- is having treatment which lowers immunity (such as chemotherapy).
When a child cannot be vaccinated, a GP must sign a Medicare Immunisation Medical Exemption Form, and send it to the AIR.
The parent/carer then needs to provide the service with the Immunisation History Statement from the AIR that indicates the child vaccination status including a list of vaccines that are contraindicated due to a medical contraindication.